Sunday, September 4, 2011

Your Wish Is Your Command: The Tides Of Change

When I started listening to the Your Wish Is Your Command training series I went into it with low expectations. I had never heard about the Global Information Network and I had never heard about Kevin Trudeau so this was all new to me. I was just curious.

I wanted to find hope and I had been actively searching for it for a long time. The funny thing was when I first started listening to the series I really liked it. I liked Kevin's voice and I liked what he was sharing with me. I began to learn things that I had never known before and this experience to me was very exciting.

My natural fear of the unknown kept me from taking any action until I had listened all the way through because in the back of my mind I still had my doubts but I was determined to see the course through to the end. I wanted to be able to see that I had listened to it in its entirety, and I did.

When I completed the series I was pumped up and ready to start to take control of my life. One of the things that Kevin says during the course is "if you want things to change in your life, you are going to have to change things in your life" It was a very simple concept but it opened my eyes to things I had not considered before.

I looked around my home and I was not happy. I looked at the coffee table that I have hated since the first day we received it as a gift and I thought to myself that I was going to have to make some changes. I decided this ugly coffee table would be my first project.

The coffee table project was the beginning of the tides of change for me. When I turned that coffee table into something that I could look at without feeling angry I knew that I was on the right path. I began to make more changes to my home, one project at a time, one day at a time.
Fixing and changing everything that had caused me so much sorrow before until I could wake up in the morning and smile because I knew that my house was now a home that I could feel good about.

Your tides of change can come in any shape, size, any action, step, comment. Depending on what you are trying to change, it can be the smallest thing. If you are trying to lose weight, it could be as small as adding a vegetable to your diet or deciding to walk to the store instead of drive. Small changes are like throwing a pebble into the water, at first it is just a ripple but it continues to grow and expand.

This is how change moves, it starts out small but it grows, with each step that you take towards change, more change comes into your life until you look back at your past and smile because you are so amazed at how far you have come. The Your Wish Is Your Command Series can be that pebble for you and all you have to do is take the first step towards change.


  1. I like your coffee table story :)

    And it's funny how sometimes the simplest and clearly spoken idea at the right time for us to hear it can work, isn't it?

    Have stuff like that happen to me a lot.


  2. Thanks, it was a pretty amazing moment for me. In fact just recently (about 8 days ago today) I had another one of those moments. My 2 year old daughter got into the freezer and ate 4 ice cream pops.

    Instead of being angry with her, I realized that I allowed this to happen because I allowed there to BE ice cream pops in the freezer.

    I went through the entire house, found all of our little "stashes" including brand new unopened candy, pastries, deserts, chips, ice cream pops, all of it and I threw it away.

    It has been 8 days without it and while I still feel the temptation, I remind myself that leaving that available was allowing the opportunity for my daughter to follow the wrong path in her life and I want more for her than I allowed for myself.

    We still eat yogurt and we have plenty of fruit around so I am getting my "sugar" but in a better way.

    It is these small moments that change you in such a profound way. Thank you so much for your comment.
