Friday, September 2, 2011

What Does Personal Prosperity Mean?

Today, I wanted to take a moment to talk about what does personal prosperity mean. The reason I wanted to take a moment to write about this because I felt it was important for you to know what this means in order for you to appreciate when the GIN network can help you in your life.

Personal prosperity means to better yourself personally, this is not something that you can get from an external source this is something that you get from deep within yourself that makes you feel better about who you are as a person and what you can achieve in your life.

When I first started listening to the "Your Wish Is Your Command" course I was in a constant state of negativity. I knew that I could achieve things but I also felt so strongly that the "world" had this great control over me. I felt like I had no say in the events that happened in my life. So when bad things happened, I didn't take any action to improve them. I looked at everything as a negative event that was designed to test me and to push me down. I could never see the "silver lining" so my personal prosperity seemed always just out of my reach.

Have you ever felt like this before? Have you ever felt like the world kept trying to knock you down? Have you ever felt like you were sinking and you could not seem to pull yourself up out of the water? I know I have, but you know what I learned when I went through the "Your Wish Is Your Command" series? I learned that the events that "seem" outside of my control are within my control.

I helped to create those events in my life because of the way I "perceived" the events in my life. This may sound like a difficult concept to follow but let's consider for a moment the feeling of sinking and not being able to pull yourself up out of the water. One day I realized that all I had to do was stand up and get out of the water and I would no longer sink.

When I started to change the areas in my life that had once made me feel powerless I began to feel powerful and this is what you have the power within yourself to do. You do not have to be a victim to life, you can be the designer of it and that is such an empowering thought.

Take a moment to ask yourself today what does personal prosperity mean to you and make some decisions. Listen to the free introductory video I have posted on this blog so you can start to gain a better perspective on how you can make some amazing changes in your life.

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