Friday, September 2, 2011

Why Am I Sharing With You About The Global Affiliate Network?

Why am I sharing with you about the Global Affiliate Network (GIN)? Well, the simple answer is because it changed my life. The longer answer will take some time and will be spread out over several posts because what I want to do is share with you my journey because I believe that if you can see the road that I have been on you may be inspired to make your own changes and to start your own challenge and this is a beautiful thing.

I have always been pretty good at my work and always have been committed to doing the best that I could do but back in 2003 my life changed dramatically and I became lost. I won't go into too much detail in this post but I will say that it was a dark period in my life and during this time I had a hard time seeing the blessings that were coming into my life and as a result I stayed living in darkness for several years to follow.

In 2009, I had managed to bury myself in debt and self-doubt so I was desperately seeking a solution to my financial worries. I started to read different self help books and purchase self help audios and trainings and go to workshops and join clubs and it was "helping" but let me tell you there is just something about being stuck in the wrong mindset  that really does a number on a person.

I was so lost I had a really hard time seeing how I could make changes in my life. When I came across The Your Wish Is Your Command Training series it was this year just a few short months ago.

This is where this journey will begin and where you will join me on my journey. I am sharing with you about the Global Affiliate Network because I believe in it. I believe that the tools that you receive from this company can change your life the way it changed mine. There is so much information that is available to you that it doesn't matter what your personal struggle is or what it is that you are trying to achieve you can do it.

I believe in you because I know that you are here reading my post for a reason, you are in the right place and at the right time and you have a chance to start making some amazing changes in your life and I am honored to be a part of your journey and to have you share in mine.

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