Saturday, September 3, 2011

It gets darkest just before the dawn

You have heard of this saying gets darkest just before the dawn, yet, if you are anything like me, this is not a comforting fact. When I first started this blog I told you I was going to share things with you that I have never shared before.

I am (believe it or not) a private person. It has always been important to me that people don't see the real me because I was so afraid that no one would like this person. When I started taking the Your Wish Is Your Command training series I started to see myself in a different way. So more more powerful than I felt myself to be.

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with having a mental disorder. When this happened I lost everything that I had been working for and I was lost. The medications I was on, had me in a cloudy state of mind and when I was not on the medicine I was a monster.

The world seems cruel to me, dark, it was a constant state of falling. My home had become so disgusting that no one would ever come to visit with me. I didn't even want to walk down the stairs to fix a meal or bath. During these times I think it is safe to say I was not thinking to myself "it gets darkest just before the dawn"

Honestly, I am surprised I made it through. It would be wonderful to say that once I made it through that period life just suddenly became better for me, but it didn't. It was not until literally years later that things began to change for me.

When I first came across the "Your Wish Is Your Command" Series, it was purely out of curiosity. I wanted to feel good and I wanted to be successful, I just didn't know how. So, I bought it, and when it arrived it sat on my counter for about 2 days.

In all honesty, it may have sat there forever had I not received an email from the person who sent it asking me if it had arrived. Well, as I mentioned earlier, appearances are important to me, so I told him that I would let him know when it arrived and would begin to listen to it immediately. That same day, I opened it up and started to listen to it.

Kevin Trudeau began to speak and I was mesmerized by the sound of his voice. It was the most calming voice I had ever heard in my life. I will go into more detail about what happened tomorrow but I just wanted to let you know that this is the first time ever sharing this information publicly with anyone. If you can appreciate what I am doing, sign up for my newsletter where I will be teaching you some of the methods that I learned to help me see the light in my life and find the power in myself because no matter what your life looks like right now, there is hope for you, it just starts with a decision to make a change and courage to see it through. Till tomorrow.

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